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Need some help with this scope please

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Hi all, a few years ago i saw a scope in a shop window and went in and bought it with the plan of using it, i set it up looked at the moon till clouds came then put it away, i didn't keep the box and have lost the manual over time so i was wondering if anyone can help identify it properly and give me some info about it. It's a Celestron reflector but has no other markings on it, it is 27" long and 5" wide, it came with a 3x barlow and two different eyepieces one is a k20 the other a sr4 i don't know anything else about it. If anyone can give any info i'd be grateful such as is it any good or just a basic scope and is it worth keeping or should i just buy a new one.

Thanks for looking.



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It is a Celestron, a well known brand. At least one EP is a Kelner. These were sold as entry level reflectors. If the mirror is still good and you get some better EP's it should still be OK. Might need to be collimated.

It must have had an azimuth mount looking at the side bar that is fitted.

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Thanks for the input, yes i still have the mount, the tray, the little spotter scope and all the pieces that originally came with it and it most likely will need collimated it hasn't been used for ages but if its just a starter scope i think i'll sell it on and get something a bit bigger preferably with a goto mount that can track. i think i can manage a budget of about £250 to £300 per month and i don't mind saving for a while, i may as well save some money while i wait for clear skies.

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I agree, it looks like a 76/700 or similar. No print on the focuser or a sticker?

These telescopes are great beginner telescopes - though the eyepieces and especially the mount are not.

A dobsonian rockerbox can be built for about 4-5€ (wood boards, pipe covers, laminate flooring or Ebonystar, felt furniture glider pads or teflon).



Two Plössl eyepieces (8-17€) and a achromatic balow (€17) will get the most out of the little telescope. But at least the larger Kelner type eyepiece is okey for the beginning.

Saturn's rings, Jupiter, brighter deepsky objects (though little detail) such as the dumbbell, ring and orion nebula, America, Andromeda, M51 on a good night, and a lot of (open) star clusters, double stars and of course the moon.

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