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hotech laser collimator

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ive been using the baader laser for about a year and have always got on well with it asside for its huge appetite for batteries but the downside with the 16" scope i now have is that its harder to see the return beam when adjusting the primary as its a good foot further away than with the 12".

so after hearing good things about the hotech i decided to buy one and see what the fuss is about.well the fuss is all about it being awesome.brilliant piece of kit!!!so much easier to use than the baader which itself is pretty easy.cant recomend this enough,it really has made collimation as easy as it possibly can be!!

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I got one last year when I got my Lightbridge. As you rightly say, a really good piece of kit, and I'm still on the first battery. Reading about collimating drove me to distraction until I got the Hotech. Now it takes a few minutes at the most and most of that is fitting and removing the Laser.

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  • 1 year later...

I too, have been using a Baader laser for a while now.  However, I bought a Hotech laser colliator a few months ago and have used it ever since.

The Hotech was definitely a good choice for me.

Your comment about the batteries is correct.  It was one of the reasons for the change.


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