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using telrad finder

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hello all . just ordered a telrad finder from flo for my 10" skywatcher dob. just wondering if anyone uses just the telrad finder on their scopes without a optical finder? I mean is it even worth having an optical finder once you got a telrad finder:)

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A Telrad finder will be a big help. In non-LP areas, position the bullseye in the proper place against the stars and you’re more or less done. If you're out a little you can work out where you are by the three ringed cirlces giving you varying degrees of the sky you're looking at. You can make a plastic Telrad overlay for your given star atlas/map or just print one of the free Telrad maps on the net.

The only negative point about the Telrad is that it can’t deliver more stars than your eyes alone can see, so if you're in an LP area, or you're at a dark site but you need to do a bit of star-hopping, it really does speed up your finding, really does help to judge where you are, but I feel it ought to be used in conjunction with the findercope.

I have found that Skywatcher's 9x50mm right angled correct image finder is the business. The finderscope delivers to you stars right down to about magnitude 8, even if you're in a LP area, meaning you’ll be able to see every star plotted on the Sky Atlas, for example, and when you move amongst those stars, your left is left and your up is up. For star hopping and finding tricky objects I find the finderscope indispensable.

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I just use a telrad as well. You will be amazed at just how close it will get you. The only time I imagine an optical finder will be of use is when the sky is fairly light, twilight or light pollution. Finding the stars to hop by can be hard then.

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I use a Telrad - I don't know what I could've done without it. I think for star hopping it could do just fine without a finder. The normal finderscope can add magnification, which you might need sometime if you want to spot a very faint object.

With the Telrad it's all about trying it out.

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