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Just finished modding my 350D!!


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Whew , well i took the plunge, did my research, bought a Baarder ACF filter from DH, got all the tools together and sat down this morning at 10am to start the long and delicate process....

Actually, it was pretty simple, if laborious disassembly - loads of tiny screws that didn;t want to come out ( cost me hrs of time :rolleyes: ), loads of ribbons that needed to be delicately disconnected, some soldering too as well. Removing the IR filter was tricky too, careful not to break the glass whilst prising it out of its holder where it was glued with a hardened goop! Popped the Baader ACF back in the holder, and then meticulously worked backwards in reverse order,to assemble the camera back to original.

Finally, after 8hrs of hard slog, it's done! :embarassed:

Plopped a lens on, took a few shots inside, walla! Colour response and focus looks good so far.

Now just waiting for a break in the damn :icon_jokercolor: so i can test the Ha and red response.

One happy chappy :rolleyes:

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Well done :salute:

I decided to let Andy ( Astronomiser) take the risk. :icon_jokercolor:


John, i saw it more as a challenge ( and of course the considerable cost savings :embarassed: ).

I'm glad i did it, feel like I achieved something, but I understand now why it costs a wack to do - its blumming time consuming!

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Well done! Have you done anything like that before?


I reckoned if I did it slowly and carefully and didn't rush, if others had done it successfully, why couldn't I?

I'm sick of my images being so poor in Ha and Red response, battling with filters, and i really want to start getting those colours of the nebula in my pics.

Some may say risky, others brave.

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