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Essential kit to go with shiny new scope

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Yeah, I think i really need to start digging out my thermals - thankfully years of boating on a cold thames, camping in cold woods and living in Coventry in my student days with no central heating has made me fairly resilliant to the cold! however these recent thunderstorms here in Reading are reminding me it gets cold and wet!

I do often wear my pyjamas under my warm clothes though, so that way, when I'm done sitting out in the cold and go inside, It saves time and I'm still warm and toasty to jump into bed! that and lots of layers of socks in the walking boots!

Thanks folks for all your help! I'm off to the new forest next week, and with all your help have already started making lists of extra useful stuff to take!

Add a "hot water bottle to your list". On cold nights tucked inside a coat, you'll be warm as toast; cheap comfort for sure. :smile:

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A good adjustable observing chair is worth its weight in gold. The commercial astronomy chairs are expensive,

however, I find that an "Ironing Board Chair" works great; found ours at a charity shop, price - £ 3.

I have an old folding high chair that was used as a captain's chair on an old boat! but it's not adjustable and is a little bit heavy, so the pic really helped to picture an alternative! thanks! will get charity shopping me thinks!

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Gets expensive all this getting kitted out, but most of the must haves can wait a while and its amazing what turns up with a little patience when you're keeping an eye open. Good luck with the weather for your trip to the New Forest, some lovely dark skies around there so long as the weather plays ball - look forward to seeing a successful first light report next week ;)

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Thanks folks for all the important suggestions - I've been raiding the house and starting going through old camping gear and thermal clothing, scouring freecycle for goodies and instructed family to look out for ironing board chairs and stuff!

Oh and the new telescope has arrived!! have no idea where on earth I'm gonna put it! unboxing has started, but glad it's rainy and miserable as gives me the excuse to panic quietly in the corner while I work out how to put it all together! :biggrin:


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