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Mirror support - 14 inch


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The mirror in my darkstar scope is a bit too free to move in my view.

The design is a bit basic. The mirror just has a wood back and three metal supports.

When I tip the scope level the mirror moves away at the top by 3mm on to the soft pad on the metal support bracket.

From research I gather a tough bubble wrap or foam backed carpet are used to add extra support if you are like me and cannot really justify making a nine point metal mirror support!

i do appreciate the mirror must not be pinched otherwise it might warp.

so I am thinking of cutting some foam from hobby craft to go between the mirror back and wood base.

any thoughts on this plan?

would the give in the foam result in collimation going out at certain angles?

I might give it a go anyway as its a low cost / risk mod anyway.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok so I have put a layer of foam from hobby craft under the mirror to provide a flat supportive base and checked the supports are not pressing on the mirror.

It might still mean that the mirror is essentially supported by the three mirror clips from the side so we shall see.


Sent from my BlackBerry 9320 using Tapatalk


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