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Stellarium and Azimuth Errors


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Using Stellarium with my Dob with newly installed setting circle and Wixey I seem to be getting errors of up to 10 degrees in Azimuth. I reference the setting circle and check the Wixey on Polaris, and then locate easy targets like Vega and Arcturus but get readings which don't line up with the Stellarium values.

I'm using Stellarium 0.12.1 on Windows 7 32 bit with a reasonably modern laptop. Is this a well known bug or am I doing something wrong?

I've treble checked the Longitude, Latitude and Altitude for my location. By the way elevation readings from the Wixey are usually pretty close to expected values.

I plan to do some solar observing tomorrow so I'll have the opportunity to record a series of Alt/Az values against time periodically over the day to make a more thorough comparison.

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I've seen Alt/Az differences between the Stellarium values and those from apps like SkySafari and Star Walk. They were much smaller in magnitude to your values of 10 degrees though. Hope you get it sorted, as it does make tracking down things a lot faster with setting circles.

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Thanks astralstroll. I did a comparison between SkySafari and Stellarium and you're right, they aligned pretty well. Of course, everything's looking better today (in the daylight)! Accuracy is certainly within parts of a degree in both altitude and azimuth. So I've moved the scope to a place from which I can track the setting sun and from where I'll be able to get a fix on Polaris when it gets dark. We'll see when I start to search for an object that's less conspicuous than the Sun!

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