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Nexstar 127 SLT vs Skymax 127 EPs

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Hello all, I've been lurking here for a few weeks soaking up all the valuable expertise. In fact have become slightly addicted to this forum ;-)

Looking to start my adventure in astronomy with one of these two scopes. I know the differences between Synscan and Skyalign with the balance of preference seeming to be on the Celestron side for ease of use.

One question I have is regarding the EPs supplied with these two scopes. Does anyone know what comparative quality they are?

I ask as the Skymax comes with a 10mm and a 25mm while the Nexstar typically comes with just the 25mm. Are the two 25mm EPs identical or is the Nexstar supplied one higher quality to compensate for only supplying one?

Thanks in advance


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Welcome to sgl I would imagine they are the same, they are the same firm after all. Celestron and skywatcher are owned by synta . Celestron were aqquired by synta and kept the name as it was well respected and had good market recognition. The ota's are the same but to some extent you do pay a little bit of a premium for the celestron name so my guess is that as the costs are so similar between the scopes the premium manifests in reduced accessories for the celestron.

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Thanks Rowan.

Based on that I'm leaning towards the Skymax just because all things being almost equal two eyepieces are more useful for a beginner than one.

The only other differences are the Starpointer vs a regular finder scope and the gotos mentioned above.

Anyone think the Celestron is a better buy? based on these differences?

Either way I think both will be cracking beginners scopes for moon and planetary.

I plan to get a DOB some way in the future for DSO once I have space.

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The stock ep's that come with the skymax, well the 25mm is OK but I personally thought the ten was pants but used them to get used to the scope, after a not too short period I upgraded to the bst brigade and things improved significantly.

There's numerous cracking threads on here re ep's mate,

And the Max is blinding on lunar and planets :)

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

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The listings I've seen for the Nexstar 127 SLT say it comes with two eyepieces, a 25mm and a 9mm. They are probably more or less the same quality as the ones supplied with the Skywatcher scope though. The optics of both scopes are the same so it might come down to differences in the ease of use of the GOTO mount systems and price in making the decision. Personally I'd prefer a red dot finder over an optical one.

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Thanks for the feedback guys.

Just realised I was being a fool. I was looking at the Celestron on FLO and misread "Eyepiece 1" as meaning there was only one eyepiece. Then I noticed "Eyepiece 2" a few lines later further on. :tongue:

That will teach me to read more carefully.

I think based on the comments above I will be getting the Celestron. Although I'll probably change my mind again before I actually buy it :rolleyes:

The scope is supposed to be a moving in present from the missus for our new house with 120ft south facing garden. We should be completing in the next few weeks. Problem is after researching for many weeks I want it NOW! Not sure I can hold out through any delays especially with the viewing conditions being so good right now.

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