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Samsung scb2000 v watec 902h


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Bored out my skull ....clouds are massing complete wipeout..so was thinking of another toy ....

.........to sit and get dusty on the scope.......

Already have the Samsung scb2000 and in my eyes only slightly modded to cool it........so was thinking if weather gets better and I pull Sammy apart again I miss out on using it ..so that's why a second on horizon or a a watec 902h with 1/2 " sensor. .....what's the opinion from you folk....Davy

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Hi Davy

I've been thinking about this too.

For a little more you can get a dedicated Astro CCD with the same size sensor - Mammut L429, Lodestar or Orion Starshoot G3.

A mono Mammut came up recently in the classifieds and I'm kicking myself for not buying it - I hesitated because I was looking for a colour version.

You cannot connect these to a monitor, you need a lap top as they are USB only - but that is an advantage as well - hot pixels are much easier to remove as they are just one pixel wide and no noise from the analogue capture dongle.

The idea would be to use them for near real time viewing say 10 - 15 second exposure with DSS Live providing real time alignment & stacking.

Food for thought...


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The zw optics one ronin suggested in the other post is featured in sky at night magazine and has a good right up about it....so tempted to buy it 260 pounds. .it has a type of all sky mode with a wide angle lens good for both planet and deep sky and I believe you cound mount a peltier to back casing it has good possibilities. ..aargh meant to be saving for a car..rent and council tax to pay too..Davy

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The zw optics one ronin suggested in the other post is featured in sky at night magazine and has a good right up about it....so tempted to buy it 260 pounds. .it has a type of all sky mode with a wide angle lens good for both planet and deep sky and I believe you cound mount a peltier to back casing it has good possibilities. ..aargh meant to be saving for a car..rent and council tax to pay too..Davy

The zw optics one ronin suggested in the other post is featured in sky at night magazine and has a good right up about it....so tempted to buy it 260 pounds. .it has a type of all sky mode with a wide angle lens good for both planet and deep sky and I believe you cound mount a peltier to back casing it has good possibilities. ..aargh meant to be saving for a car..rent and council tax to pay too..Davy

Corpze on discussions cameras forum has attached a peltier cooler to his. From what Im reading they are a tad noisy. He has also posted a dark frame difference with and without cooling, worth a look.

Cheers Carl

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Cheers Carl.....another bit of embellishment by a magazine to promote kit....4 out of 5 stars I would have thought it would be best thing since sliced bread...Davy

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Hi Davy

The ASI120 uses a CMOS sensor and is primarily aimed at planetary imaging but cam be used for DSO.

There are some very interesting photo taken with this camera. It looks very good value.



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Just read on another post they are working on a cooled version of the ASI 120, no doubt will effect the price. There is also the Lodestar CMOS Costar guider camera at a similar price but cant find anything taken with it.

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That's the new Samsung scb2000 bought from the bay just under 45 pounds delivered ...guess I won't be crossing to the darkside for a while. ...will remove filter lens from this unit asap and have it ready to image as is...so I can perfect this Peltier cooling on the original without rushing it to much..next purchase usb grabber with multi av inputs...Davy

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Grey clouds up here Carl lp at my flat verging on ridiculous some industrial yard not far away lit up like blackpool. ..just back end of garden to sort where my shed is at my partner carols house then get my kit back in..prob get an az motor mount and use at my flat and main kit at carols ok if we don't keep falling out.lol...so new camera I got tonight going to mount to scope ring with a wide angle cctv lens I have ...modded camera will be totally stripped to pcb...and looking to do twin peltier mod ok I know nut case but done the sums on drain on lorry battery and it ain't that bad...prob 16 amps an hour max and a couple of hours a night using ccd more than enough raw data to get on with....with modded cam will pull 10 000 plus frames in half hour easy so if I can get three targets a night with twin Samsung one on ed80 and one on widefield might be ok ....can only wait n see once weather breaks...Davy

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Going to get a CCTV lens to try for meteor etc as well as get a .5 reducer to experiment with for wider field through scope for up and coming larger objects, but we are slaves to the weather :embarrassed:

The hobby goes on.

Cheers Carl

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