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Security light filter!!

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Hi. . One thing I would like is a filter for 'light pollution'. I've read about some which help block some or all of the effects of street lights, orange skyglow, etc. But my main problem is the security lighting [halogen I think] that many neighbours have either got or are steadily installing. I know one remedy is to do all my observing about 4 in the morning, [its actually my favourite time to observe on many counts], but is there such a filter or at least one which would help when I observe at general times to counteract ruddy security lights.

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Unfortunately the simple answer to your query is no... in terms of nearby lighting such as security lights and streetlights your best best is to try speaking to the owner (maybe invite them around for a view through your scope). If its a streetlight and the light shines into your house/bedroom you can try approaching your council (probably Highways dept) and ask if there's anything they can do. They may install a shield on the light or paint the parts that affect your property black. I emphasise 'may' as it could take a long time and to be honest you'll be lucky if they do anything. Whatever you do in dealing with the Highways dept do not mention that the lights impinge on your pursuing astronomy - that will probably result in a blank look and/or outright dismissal of your problem as astronomy is not regarded as important enough to merit spending time and effort dealing with light problems. :icon_jokercolor:

If all that isn't enough or isn't possible then your best bet is to invest in a more general purpose light pollution filter which you've already read up on...

All of the above is pretty passive - you could try contacting your local councillor or writing to your MP. It won't result in any immediate change and may seem a waste of time but until the politicians start getting lots of letters regarding such issues they won't do anything about it!


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