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Help with LRGB processing for Mars

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I've just started my campaign of imaging Mars. I'm using a Toucam Pro II attached to my 8" LX200 Classic with 2x or 4 x barlows (not stacked). I have a number questions relating to RGB/LRGB processing.

I have no intention of using separate filters but I am considering using LRGB using an IR image for luminance.

To do this I would take a normal colour image with an IR Cut filter and a colour image using the IR pass filter.

So here are my questions:

1) Would I be correct in my assumption that in order to create an LRGB image, I would first have to split the colour image into seperate R,G and B files; or could I simply keep the colour image as a colour image and combine the L (IR)data to this? If yes, how would I do this?

2) Would it be best to convert the IR image to mono, prior to assigning it to the L channel?

3) Would one process the L layer any differently to the R, G and B layers? In particular, is sharpening or contrast usually handled differently for L layers?


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I have no experience with LRGB planetary imaging Michael but I'm sure it works just the same as for deep sky. Obviously you will need to convert your IR image to greyscale and loose the colour data. Prior to combining it to the colour image you will need to convert it back to RGB - it will still be grey because you have lost the colour data.

With the luminence image do all the sharpening it can stand. You can do a little sharpening in the colour channel but don't do anything like as much as in the luminence, best to leave a bit blurred to avoid introducing noise.

Align both images in registax then transfer the to PS. Make the colour image active, select all (ctrl A) and copy (ctrl C) then make the luminence active and past the colour image onto it (ctrl V). Leave the opacity at 100% but change the blend mode to colour - hey presto, job done!

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