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Collimation Held!!


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Following my mirror cell mods to the 12" F4 Newtonian


I'm pleased to report that the collimation of the scope was still BANG ON after:

1) De-mounting the scope.

2) Storing it upright for two weeks (mirror facing down).

3) Re-mounting the scope using the scope winch.


4)Balancing then slewing the scope around a few times.

When I came to collimate scope using the Cheshire Eyepiece I had no need to touch the adjusters!

No Collimation 180s @ ISO3200 12 F4 Newtonian


Is it possible that the mirror just randomly moved back into the correct position?

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its strange how some scopes stay collimated, and others move , its down to the cell, and springs mainly, the best I have for holding colli is the small Tal, I take it camping drive 300 miles and its still bang on. Your cell looks good so I'd expect it to hold near. How does colli compare horizontal to vertical

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It used to shift around a lot - slewing from one part of the sky to another generally used to affect it. But the three mods (six springs, conical adjusters, and side holding screws) seem to have some effect. Still more testing needed but early results look positive.

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