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What are these please?

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Hi folks

Started using my new triplet refractor and wondering what these dark round smudges are if anyone knows please?.

Exposure was 5mins unfiltered, no flats taken,and no flattener used. I brushed the lens beforehand and also the chip, I`m wondering if its an internal reflection or something I`m doing wrong?




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Those are small dust specs

flats will help, but you need to get rid of the big one really, in fact it will be small they just look big on the image.

get a hurricane blower to remove them before using a cloth

the brushes I have found add more dust than they remove

be careful not to scratch anything

as an aside I did a run on 101at the weekend and my huge bunny was almost in the same place as yours, only when I did the flats the next day the large bunny must have been dislodged when I parked the scope.


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With the size of these its a wonder you can not see them on the chip its self,do not be tempted to clean it with a cloth and any sprays ,or things like that blowers can be a god send or a devil ,keep it a cover on the camera all the time,condensation is a pain and things stick when ou bring you kit back in the house put things some were cool


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Thanks for the info guys. I was starting to think me new scope or camera was dodgy. Only got the camera December and haven't done any shots longer than 2mins with it til last night!



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