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Imaging Saturn


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Hi all.

I have an Orion StarShoot Colour Imager IV, and have successfully seen Jupiter with it. But I am having great difficulty getting any image of Saturn. I have tried with & without a 2x Barlow, but still can't seem to get Saturn aligned. I am using a Celestron CPC800.

Anyone have any pointers?


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I have just moved this to planetary imaging. You have a better chance of getting answers there.

getting planets onto the small chip of a camera is always hard. I use a flip mirror, which allows me to centre the planet using an eyepiece, and simply flipping the mirror up redirects the image onto the chip.

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Make sure that your finderscope is very accurately aligned to start with .

Then get the planet very accurately centred using an eyepiece , start with a fairly long EP , say 20mm , then pop in a shorter one , 5-9mm to get the object bang in the middle of the FOV.

Now put in the camera and turn the settings , Gain and Exposure , up high in your capture software , you will now need to adjust the focus in or out until the planet becomes visible.

Then you can adjust the capture settings until you get the view you need , dimmer rather than brighter is better but it's a little bit 'suck it and see' regarding settings.

Happy hunting .... :laugh:

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Yes, once you get to longer focal lengths it's so easy to miss the camera sensor entirely with just a tiny misalignment of the scope. A cheap illuminated reticle eyepiece is very helpful in this situation.


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