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SCB 2000p Dark Frame Fan Mod Test

Carl Reade

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Hi folks after adding a cooling fan to this camera (see modded thread) I decided to do a test to see if it does make a difference. I captured two dark frames both exactly 100 frames each and stacked in Registax with no processing at all.

Both frames were captured after the camera was on for 10 minutes.

The first frame was captured with the fan on from the start.

The camera was then turned off and allowed to rest for about 20 minutes then again run for 10minutes with the fan disconnected.

All noise reduction was on, brightness set to 1 and sence up set to X512.

Please note this is not the most scientific of tests but interesting none the less, please feel free to comment.



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Do you notice difference Carl

Without a doubt yes. The side by side shows it more. The fan on (pic on left) has reduced amp glow and overall the frame is darker. LCD screens dont do it justice.

Will have to do longer tests to see more I suspect. Its not going to make the glow disappear but it certainly is helping.

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I got my fan guard from Hong Kong today checked maplins they don't peltier at my closest branch need to order In..weather settled a bit tonight was hoping to have eqtooth tried before weekend. ..got my wireless and bluetooth dongles in from bay of flies today ..test laptop tonight and hopefully back on track next week wae my modded camera. ..Davy

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Quite impressive Carl, a big difference. Is this just using the 25mm fan in the camera case? I am still pondering if it is worth using the small peltier.

Hi Steve, Yes just the 25mm fan no extras. One thing I did notice on the last test was that the warmest part of the camera was the front black face were the ccd board is and the amp chip.

I think the closer the fan is to the front end the better.

The fan cost £1.60 off Ebay, not bad for that extra bit of blackness :smiley:

The peltier option may involve drastic action, waterproofing the boards etc due to moisure. Then the heatsink location?

If I can identify the amp chip, what I may try is attaching a small heatsink to it and I mean small and hopefully the fan will cool it even more.

Cheers Carl

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I got my fan guard from Hong Kong today checked maplins they don't peltier at my closest branch need to order In..weather settled a bit tonight was hoping to have eqtooth tried before weekend. ..got my wireless and bluetooth dongles in from bay of flies today ..test laptop tonight and hopefully back on track next week wae my modded camera. ..Davy

Davey, looking forward to see how the bluetooth goes!!

Have you any plans on what way your going to fit the peltier, Im still tinkering with the idea.

Cheers Carl

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I'll be watching with interest, will order a fan in the mean time. I wonder if a cold finger from the sensor to a heat sink and fan would improve it similar to the mod Gina did on the DSLR mod.

Will have a look.

Cheers Carl

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Your point on the Peltier condensation inside camera , I had thought about that over last couple of weeks , few options I thought out were silca sachet fitted via a trapdoor fitting so it could be replaced easy next was removing my fan from top casing and fitting Peltier and heatsink combo with fan I already have heatsink inside top case already that will act as a cold finger. Then fitting a fan to the side to draw hot and cold air from inside casing it may reduce condensation on cold finger and pull cold from coldfinger across the boards...the maplins Peltier runs from 6v so maybe fit a external battery pack for testing...Davy

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Your point on the Peltier condensation inside camera , I had thought about that over last couple of weeks , few options I thought out were silca sachet fitted via a trapdoor fitting so it could be replaced easy next was removing my fan from top casing and fitting Peltier and heatsink combo with fan I already have heatsink inside top case already that will act as a cold finger. Then fitting a fan to the side to draw hot and cold air from inside casing it may reduce condensation on cold finger and pull cold from coldfinger across the boards...the maplins Peltier runs from 6v so maybe fit a external battery pack for testing...Davy

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Yep Davy, I noticed on the Cloudynights site, the guy used some sort of liquid electrical sealant on the CCD board. After feeling the heat from the front end, I think the closer cooling gets to that the better.

Cheers Carl

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I wouldn't put a sealer over the board I think it would increase the heat like an insulator the idea is to remove heat and cool the camera. ..think reduced voltage Peltier transferring cold to a coldfinger with a high capacity fan sucking all air out camera is best option I can think of to protect board...no shure of the science but think where cold and hot fronts merge is where moisture will be at its worst so a high volume fan is the answer. ..hopefully. .

Without blowing the dolly partons out of the camera...Davy

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Well was able to get out last night, first session with the fan mod. Temp was dropping to probably 2 Deg and the camera on for one and a half to two hours. Here is a dark frame after that period. Hot pixels significantly reduced compared to my last cold outing a while back. Im pretty limited as I found to what I can image to to time and location so I focused on the Ring Nebula.

The detail I got compared to my first shots is much improved but this is probably down to seeing as well as cooling. Centre star captured Mag 13.




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Hi Davy, the black is 5 mins processing and my Photoshop skills are pretty limited. The live screen is totally different due to brightness. To get to the black picture is actually very easy. All live views are light grey. I use PS 2 which is free. I mainly use it to darken and use a dark frame to get rid of the amp glow, no colours have been adjusted. I can post the basic procedure I use. Here is the difference.

Cheers Carl



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Cany get over how good there turning out..defo should create an intrest...I mean for under a hundred quid for camera , cables, video grabber plus mod....defo cheap as a section of astrophotography goes. ..taking top lid of camera to work tomorrow clean it up on buff and paint it...maplins for a 40x40 fan n try n pick up a rocker switch mode should be ready for about 4pm all going to plan....Davy

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