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What a difference a good tripod makes


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I've been making do with an old surveyors tripod for my giro mount for quite some time now, and have never been particularly happy with the wobble I get when focussing, it takes quite a while to settle down.

Well, I picked up an EQ6 tripod yesterday (thanks Emadmoussa!) and was delighted that the giro fitted straight on, no problem. I had some 10mm threaded rod and was able to get it set up straight away, I had thought I would need an adaptor of some sort.

Anyway, I have just given it a quick go this evening, and what an amazing difference it makes. I was only using the TV76, but still, even at high power there was very little vibration and it settled down almost instantly after focusing. I'm very happy with the improvement, it will make a big difference to my observing with this mount.


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