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Bank Holiday weather arrives early


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I knew the forecast for this morning so once everyone else was off to school/work I got the animals fed and took out the laptop and camera to set up (I'd left everything else in place from last night under a cover) to get some solar shots as soon as the Sun made it over the roof.

It had just reached the point of getting the telescope into sunlight when the clouds started rolling in and before I could even get properly aligned the entire sky was covered by thick cloud which is forecast to last for the next five days at least :(

I've left the mount and scope set up just in case, but I think that's it for a while. No boozy barbies in the sunshine this bank holiday weekend here...


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What's really frustrating is that I can see both from the view from my office window and from Sat24 that there is a sliver of clear sky over the Severn Estuary. If it were eight miles further south it would be just sufficient for me to get the solar shots I want. Unfortunately overhead and to the south the clouds are so tightly packed you couldn't jam a credit card between them :(


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Quite. Even another half hour of sunshine would have done the job. Hey ho. There's another gap just sliding in below Wales at the moment that might provide the necessary opportunity.

Shan't be complaining too much about the lack of clear sky tonight though. I've done five nights on the trot now and my body is really demanding a decent night's sleep. It was not amused at being woken up at 7am this morning after not getting to bed until nearly 3am :)


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In order to cease the general dumming down of what is a scientific subject could you please go buy this item FSC :grin: and then tell us precisely which of the catagories it is that is upsetting you. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


P.S. Not a cloud in the sky here, hasn't been all morning. All nice and unbroken blue, with a big bright yellow white thing supplying heat and light.

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