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Astromaster 130eq mount


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Hi all, this is my first visit to this site and I hope someone can give me some advice on upgrading the mount to a computerised model,

I have had my scope for a year now and very quickly realised how fast the object moves out of view.

So I don't have to manually track objects and also to find them in the first place I had what I think is a brilliant plan, get a computerised mount!!!

I have two requests:

  1. Firstly where can I buy a fairly cheap mount
  2. I am not sure about compatability of the dovetail bar as the one I have is a bottom mount and not a side mount

Please help

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You may find it easier and cheaper to just fit a motor drive to your existing mount. I use the same 'scope and bought the motor drive which made things a lot easier. It does have some problems in that the rate at which it tracks seems to be dependent upon the state of the battery, but all in all it's certainly a lot cheaper than getting a new mount - unless you specifically want GOTO capabilities.

After using my motor for a while, I designed and built my own RA drive using a stepper motor out of an old HP printer ( which you can read about here http://stargazerslou...all-telescopes/ ) but I still have the old one in its box. I was about to put it up in the classifieds section, but if you are interested just PM me.

Hope this helps,


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Hi Alan

Thanks very much for your reply,

Unfortunately I dont have any electrical knowledge but given the information you supplied I am sure i can persuade somebody to build a drive for me (I hope!). As a rough estimate, how much does your motor drive cost to make?

How much are you selling your old drive for?

Kind regards


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I got the same scope, except I bought it with the motor drive already fitted, that's only a RA tracker motor, so will keep objects in view, you can buy them for about £20 - £30 as an add on, , personally I didn't get on with it to well, ended up buying a Skywatcher AZ synscan goto mount, works fine for what I want, the astro master comes with a Vixen style dovetail so will fit any mount that takes the same, what you would do to adjust the eypeice position is slacken off the tube ring bolts and rotate the tube within its rings to a more suitable position. got mine from a place in Birstall near leeds (didn't name them as not sure if allowed to or not)

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