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Not a good week for Televues

alan potts

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I will tell you when I come back from England, it should be here then. Unlike England I will not have to wait a month for a clear sky, that's the kiss of death!

I am hoping it will be something like a 6 inch refractor with good contrast.


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It's great isn't it........we spend fortunes on the most fragile optics .......and then spend hours juggling with them.... in the dark..... with cold hands.

Have to say, setting up in the evening light and 8º temperatures the other night felt like a bit of a luxury.

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Space Dragon,

The silly thing was it was about 14 degrees, no cold hands nothing, I was just worn out. I have heard this said before but sitting there and watching it happen it was almost like slow motion, I could have done anything, still it's agood reason to look for a 6mm Ethos, they really are rether good.


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Space Dragon,

The silly thing was it was about 14 degrees, no cold hands nothing, I was just worn out. I have heard this said before but sitting there and watching it happen it was almost like slow motion, I could have done anything, still it's agood reason to look for a 6mm Ethos, they really are rether good.


I was gonna say Alan.......dark, cold and...........completely knackered. I bet most of us have nodded off at the EP at some point, I know I have.

And while I've been lucky so far, it's really only a matter of time before something hits the deck.

Managed to pick up my EP case with binos in as well, without fastening it and heard the lid flap open and waited for the crash but somehow nothing fell out ....this time.

Just have to be really careful .......specially when packing up.

Hope it works out ok..

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I picked up my eyepiece case the other night without locking the top. The whole thing opened when i picked it up and it hit the lawn on the lid. nothing at all fell out beside I stack them stood up they were all secure. my heart feel out my mouth though and I'm quite sure my neighbors heard a random f word come out of the dark

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I think it comes down to being organised at the eyepiece and to my cost I simply am not. I remember one old boy I met when I first started Mr Shelton he could find everything blind folded, so organised, not me. I must try harder to get a sysytem, it's not as if I wasn't organised in my work I was. I recall once getting 4 different planes and ending up in New Zealand but I think the pilots played a small part.


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I do everything in the dark and know where everything is. pack up in the dark etc even though I have a garden light I could turn on. Th as t drop was a real shock because I'm a very methodical person. I don't make mistakes often. The nature of my work means I'm very attention to detail focused. toy must see how many times I edit my posts for grammar and mistakes this demon phone introduces througj is accursed interface

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Korean phone software. made myself a pint of Jack and coke. should sort things out good while the sun sets on this evening that isn't supposed to be clear but is. After that pint its a back up eyepieces night though! No drops for me please.

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Korean phone software. made myself a pint of Jack and coke. should sort things out good while the sun sets on this evening that isn't supposed to be clear but is. After that pint its a back up eyepieces night though! No drops for me please.

Haha......Love the phone with a mind of it's own, [surpassed it hasn't gone out the window]......reminds me of watching an Italian bloke on the beach in the Maldives trying to put up a sunlounger .......he spent about 5 mins fighting with it and eventually gave up and left it in a broken pile on the beach and stormed off.

Laughed ?......I nearly bought a round.

No drops for anyone.

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