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So... nightvision...


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... I was recently scanning amazon for entertaining purchases that I might be able to justify coupling onto a genuine order that I actually need when I stumbled on a kids "spy goggles" that professed to have night vision.

It's just a pair of goggles with torches strapped to the sides of course but it got me to thinking.

Generally for my star viewing I have very remote dark-sites. Only a minority of them can I simply step out of my car, the rest involve 20-60minute hikes, in one case, even longer.

Generally I take a batch of torches, each one a back up for if the batteries fail in the others but I was wondering if, more for fun that practicality if there was any practical/affordable night vision options available for a denizen of the night.

My timelapse photo-shoots often have me standing around in the dark for 1-3 hours while the camera automatically clicks away so it might provide some entertainment then too.

I thought of nowhere more likely to have an answer than here and I'm fully expectant of little more than comedy answers because any sensible solution would cost a gajillion pounds!

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