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jupiter, check. saturn, later


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Picked up jupiter earlier for the first time with my 8" dob. Could clearly see bands but no grs and 4 moons. Well chuffed! Set up for saturn now. Should be visible with the scope in about half an hour when it shows its face over my fence. I've really got the bug now!

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Yeah, nice when it all comes together!!

Tried to see Saturn last night ,scope ready in the garage-got the iphone out and clocked its position but then the clouds rolled in,,,arrrgh!! ,,

Maybe later,,

Exactly the same here from the IOW everything looked good until midnight and could see Saturn intermittantly through the trees. Popped in for a half hour warm up, while I waited for it to emerge at 0100hrs and it was like someone dropped a blanket over the sky - uniform cloud in all directions.

Not grumbling as last three nights have given more than the previous 6 weeks. Hopefully we all get better luck tonight!

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Viewing for saturn wasn't great. Can't believ how much the wind catches the scope and messes up the focus. Plus, I've realised I need a couple more ep's. 120x mag is nowhere near enough for saturn. How did everyone elses viewing go?

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Viewing for saturn wasn't great. Can't believ how much the wind catches the scope and messes up the focus. Plus, I've realised I need a couple more ep's. 120x mag is nowhere near enough for saturn. How did everyone elses viewing go?

I really struggled imaging Saturn last night, mainly due to the poor seeing at 26 degrees and this made achieving focus quite tricky - need a bit of luck with the seeing below 30 degrees. The wind was a nuiscance and kept shaking my 200P and HEQ5, though not such a great issue.

I did have Saturn lined up/centered at 5.3mm (about 180x) - useful for aligning, but not viewing last night - at 8mm (125x) it was not bad between gusts and I could see 3 poss 4 bright moons, but no clear surface or ring detail. On a good night you should be able to get to 4mm or exceptionally down to perhaps 3mm - if your dob is 1200mm/F6 this would be 300x or 400x. Worth looking at some reasonable EPs with at least 60 degree FOV and reasonable eye relief - the BST Explorers are very well reviewed at around £ 47 each (scope and skies on ebay). Also worth considering a good 2x barlow as this will allow you to get the maximum return on your EP investment.

In my limited experience at imaging Saturn (4 occassions), I have found that seeing and captures got better the later they were taken - perhaps the temperature dropping just before dawn

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That's a tough ask for good ep performance. I use a flat field 8mm from the same source. It's great in the Dob at x150 and works well in my old style Vixen x2 Barlow.

You do however need the very best of seeing conditions,


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