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Stacking stacked TIFFs in DSS, how?

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So, i'm just a bit unsure of how to do this as i have never tried to stack frames from several nights and different exposures in DSS before.

I've always just thrown all exposure lenghts into DSS, and let it do it's job with usually kappa-sigma clipping.

But i've been wondering about the entropy method, where it uses very low noise frames (usually allready stacked frames) and combine them into HDR.

So, i tried this, and stacked a bunch of 120 sec exposures and a bunch of 13 min exposures separatly. Then ended up with 2 relatively low-noise TIFFs. But DSS wouldn't let me stack those two files, no matter what.

So, how am i supposed to stack different exposures the best way if i can't stack the stacked TIFFs? Or does DSS automatically combine all the 120sec and 13 min frames and so on first, and Then combine those afterwards with entropy? If so i guess it's just to throw all the exposure lenghts into DSS and push stack, but... Just a bit unsure of what stacking method to use when i have different exposure lenghts.

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Put each different nights exposures into a different group. These are the tabs (bottom left of the main picture screen) main group, group1 etc etc. Once you put your first set in, a second tab for group 1 will appear. Use that tab for the second night etc etc. Now stack as normal and DSS will combine everything keeping any calibration frames matched within each group.

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Put each different nights exposures into a different group. These are the tabs (bottom left of the main picture screen) main group, group1 etc etc. Once you put your first set in, a second tab for group 1 will appear. Use that tab for the second night etc etc. Now stack as normal and DSS will combine everything keeping any calibration frames matched within each group.

I often wondered this too, thank you for your info, very helpful! :)

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