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ST80 scope parts worth selling?


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If this post contravenes forum rules then mods pleas take down but just asking for advice from the community.

I have raped and pillaged a ST80 scope I bought a year ago. I am using the rings from it for my Celestron 80mm guidescope and I also removed the focuser and used that on the same Celestron scope - reason is the Celestron 80mm is longer focal length and better quality.

This has left the tube with lens cells still attached from the ST80 which are immaculate. I could put the focuser from the Celestron onto the ST80 to create a complete small ST80 without rings - albeit with swapped focuser.

Do you reckon I could flog that ? Been sitting in a box doing 'nowt....

Thanks, Steve

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I'd stick it in the classifieds with the Celestron focuser on. Someone might be more than happy to have it as a guide scope/finder/donor for some project or other.

Could even be half-tempted myself actually. I've been waiting for a cheap scope suitable for a wide field finder for my SCT/Mak to come up on ebay.


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