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Jupiter and Io tonight


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Just processed this one taken at around 21:30 I think. I've got plenty to go through but this one seemed quite nice...although another may be better I'm not sure yet.

The autofocuser worked like a dream, makes so much difference!!! If anyone is pondering getting one I also want to say that in use it certainly travels fast enough (I was worried it was a bit slow), well it isnt.

I am going to be getting an altair 3x barlow but from what I had heard about the stock 2x barlow I have been quite pleased with it (although nothing to compare it with)

Forgot to use any sort of extension so this is just my point grey firefly mono, with IR pass filter attached to the stock skywatcher 2x barlow and my 200p f/5.

About 1000 out of 2000 frames stacked in registax then filled the background and slight sharpening with gimp.



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Yes I hope it stays clear for me as well...want to have another crack at Saturn.

Unfortunately sat24's infrared image is pants and the other one I use took its last image at 18:00 so I have no idea where that cloud is! Last time I looked it was creeping down south, guess I have to pray it isn't here by 3:00am ;)


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Fantastic detail on Jupiter, I await the Saturn pictures, i am sure they are going to be superb as well. Saturn is a better object for a mono camera, there is less colour in it.


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Yes I love Saturn as well, the camera has a low gain and is very noisy however so don't think I'll be able to use the IR pass.

My last Saturn was a little dissapointing but I hope the autofocuser and more frames will help.


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