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Merry xmas to you all


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Hi guys

Firsrly, just wanted to apologize for my long period sporadic absence. It has been one hell of a year. Must admit i have been in the UKBF forum a hell of a lot :-)

Those of you who have businesses, will aprecicate how hard it is to run. The ukbf have beenhighly supportive. Those of yopu who are businessman and not members, or have not heard of them. I suggest having a look. www.ukbusinessforums.co.uk they are a great bunch of ppl in there. If urgent help, advise or opinions are needed that is the place to get it. Noy that i am trying to poach members :-) now i see the warning comoing from the admins whoops!!!!

But the last few days have been interesting, been fighting the flu. Plus the other half decided it would be good policy to go for a detox b4 xmas. So there u have it nothing to drink (no alchohol that is) for nearly a week. I am not permitted to touch any either until i collect her at 10.30 xmas night. Which to be honest i am cool about.

i don;t think u are aware that over the year i have been trying really hard to quit smoking totally as well. i tihnk another member of the forum has also tried. Last i read, he was winning.

We i lasted a month or so, then in a weak moment smoked a cigar.

This habit continued, where i would not smoke during the day, but would take a cigar. This seems ok, but when u end up smoking some ten hamlet minitures in a single night it gets a bit much.

SO a few days with the flu, it did not seem right to pump smoke down my lungs with a chesty cough. So for three days now, i have been off the cigars!

Hopefully this is it for me now!

so its an interesting time.

Also i think the adminstrators of this forum should pat themselves on the back. Itis not easy to run a forum, i know, i have a few myself. But to run one in the manner that you are, from scratch and to now start rivalling the SPA forum. Well blumming good show. ?considering also that they have the Society of Popular Astronomy behind them as well!

I think one reason behind your success is that there is not a bombastic, sarcastic soul among you. This is important in a forum. Where ppl do not have to think twice before they post anything. This is where the SPA forum fails, and i feel you succeed. I am only glad that some of the swines who virtually live in SPA forum do not also frequent here.

This is the ideal type of forum. I think you guys have achieved that. The idea of running competitions, star parties shows how proactive you are. By the way, where is that calender u were working on? I want a copy!

I realise this sounds cheesy, but when u spend ur life telling ppl off for failing to measure up, it is good to finally give praise where praise is due. In reality i am something of an Alf Garnet, so wen a compliment is passed from me, it is worth framing. Its like the transit of Venus, does not occur very often :-)

I certainly look forward one day to meeting you all.

Sermon over, i am off now for dinner

speak soon

Alf Garnet (aka Asteeleleith)

Speak to you all soon, for those i do not reach, have a very merry xmas and a happy new year.

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