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vixen star diagonal help

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just took delivery of my vixen flip mirror diagonal , i'm a tad confused on the internet site i purchased it from it said 2" push fit? now at the moment i have a celestron c8 which has a 2" back with a 1.25" adapter but for the life of me i cannot make it fit, am i missing something here the intructions are useless,

also i will be changing the c8 to a 127 mak what is the viewing back on these, celestron or skywatcher ,

have i git the c8 wrong is it not a 2" back maybe?

any pointers will help.

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yeah thats where i was going wrong lol, just worked it out from online vids, i thought the viewing back on the c8 had a 2" push in but it doesn't , i'll wait to see the 127 because it does say it has a 2" viewing back with 1.25" adapter , which is basically what i have already, so looks like i'll have to spend more money, bit crappy considering it's a £90 star diagonal

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