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Dobs on ABS = Hens Teeth....

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Anyone notice how few and far between they come up? My interpretation of that is it just goes to show how well liked they are :)

I have had my eyes open for a 10" or 12" Goto SW version for a while and it ain't happening..... Brand new from FLO me thinks.....

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If you get offered a SW 10" dob that is, or may be, in Gloucestershire, then please message me.

The seller may not be everything he appears to be.

There has been a decidely dodgy person active in recent weeks.

He is no longer allowed on SGL or ABS, but could still read this thread, or ABS wanted notices.

No offence intended to all the honest dob owners in that part of the country.


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Anyone notice how few and far between they come up? My interpretation of that is it just goes to show how well liked they are :)

I have had my eyes open for a 10" or 12" Goto SW version for a while and it ain't happening..... Brand new from FLO me thinks.....

At this time of year, people are normally using them. Come May/June/July, the great second hand scope musical chairs commences, as people make the changes to their kit in readiness for next winter.


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