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Sun-day Sun - Feb 17th Edition


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Hurry up boys and girls, it is here Sun-day. Cancel Sunday lunch, ignore the chores and get those solar telescopes out!

There is a massive filament, stretching almost a third of the way across the disc. First prize for the best picture a large pat on the back (self administered obviously).

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I started at 10:30 after waiting for the sun to clear the mist from the river and managed a few captures over an hour before the sun went behind high cloud. it is still shining through haze now, but doubt I am going to do any better.

First the full disc, about 700 frames from 2000 for the surface and around 450 from 1500 for the proms. Lunt 60, DMK41, 0.8x focal reducer, Reg6 for the surface and Reg5 for the proms.


2x to follow.

The competition for a fuirst prize of a pat on the back is still wide open, first to publish was Roger with a superb white light picture of the active sun spot, keep them coming.

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I use Reg5 for the proms as 6 tends to pick alignment points way outside the disc, which are probably just noise and lead to a poor alignment. With Reg5 I just chose a box over one of the proms and it seems to make a better job. Conversely, for the surface Reg6 finds alignment points over the whole of the disc and therefore tends to select the better frames with detail over the entire surface.

I still get the occasional Reg6 disaster and then usually revert back to Reg5 for a while.


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These are absolutely fantastic!!!

Yesterday was wall to wall sunshine for me, an absolute treat. I first had to clean the house, then put the dinner in the oven then I was out, and what fun. I have lots of pictures, just need to get round to posting them. First a view of all the competition :)


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