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Dumb Question...

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The EQ5 Dual Axis drive does indeed take 4 x D cell batteries. You'll get a good few hours out of them if your just using them to track but expect that to drop if you use them to move the scope around a lot... oh and make sure you have 4 spare. You don't want to run out 10 minutes into a session!

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The EQ5 Dual Axis drive does indeed take 4 x D cell batteries. You'll get a good few hours out of them if your just using them to track but expect that to drop if you use them to move the scope around a lot... oh and make sure you have 4 spare. You don't want to run out 10 minutes into a session!

Can you get an adaptor so you can connect the motor to the mains and ditch the batteries??

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I bought one of these last year, although it was £40 when I bought it:


It comes with a 12v (cig lighter) adapter for charging, which just so happened to fit my SynScan system as well. As well as that, it has a 240v socket on back that I plug my laptop into, and it happily chugs away powering both. Most I've used both laptop and scope for at one time is around 3 hours, but I think the battery still had a lot of life in it.

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I don't think that will supply enough current to work. Fortunately if you have a supply that's not capable of providing the current it doesn't seem to harm the handset -- it just flashes the LED lamely at you and refuses to work. Supplying the wrong voltage however is generally terminal.


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I sometimes use a multivolt adapter along with an RCD safety adapter from the mains HOWEVER I wouldn't feel comfortable recommending it as having a mains electricity supply around when dew is an issue forces you to be VERY careful about covering anything electrical for safety and adds a lot of time to the setup.

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