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NEO 15/2/2013


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Although i would love to see this asteroid, (and if the sky is clear on the 15th, i will be out with the binos and the scope.) i can't help but be pesemistic and think it will be cloudy.

Then i had a thought.

Wouldn't it be amazing to be on the ISS on the 15th!

Then i had another thought.

I wonder if anyone on the ISS will be filming the asteroid?

Sirely they wouldn't miss an opotunity like this.

Would they?


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The ISS is about 230 miles above Earth, 2012 DA14 is going to pass 17,000 miles from Earth, so its not going to look much different on the ISS than from Earth, apart from because of obvious reasons.

The ISS have fitted a little telescope now so I think they should have a glance as well! But they travel very quickly around the Earth so I'm not sure how long they would have tbh :/


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