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Stupid Question #4 Focussing Jupiter DSLR

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Permission granted to laugh but I can't figure this out:

ED80 on HEQ5 Pro. Canon 1100d attached to M48 adaptor to focal reducer to focus tube.

But I can't focus any better on Jupiter than this:


or a brighter disk depending on exposure time.

Now don't get me wrong I know it's not the set up for planets and I usually use my webcam and 200P for that, and tonight's set up for DSO but I know it's possible to capture Jupiter with the DSLR as I've seen some of your images. So what's going wrong?

Hoping someone will say Fordos you idiot you should have done this, so I can laugh at myself instead of over thinking it!

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Sorry I am by no means an expert.

Would a 1.25 barlow not screw into the camera adapter? I thought that was the reason for the thread at the top of skywatcher barlows. Then use it without the focal reducer.

If not try without the focal reducer?


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