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Gamma setting in FireCapture for ASI120MC?


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Does anyone have any thoughts they'd care to share regarding the gamma setting in FireCapture for the ASI120MC? I'm particularly thinking about imaging Jupiter for the moment.

I'm struggling to find a suitable balance of settings for use with my 127 Mak at the moment. Darryl suggests the histogram needs to be very full for capture with this camera, but if I push the gain up too far I get a lot of noise and glare in the preview at 30fps. I'm thinking I should drop the frame rate back a fair bit to see if that helps with the histogram, but Stuart (Space Cowboy) has also suggested I should perhaps be looking into what can be done with the gamma setting. Currently I leave it at 50% (the default, AFAIR).


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ive all ways heard to leave gamma at 0 james, thats with my spc900 any way, be interesting to see the replies here tho

*pulls up a seat*


ps, is this camera different to the ASI120MM? (i been looking at this one since i seen the results with it via a C14)

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Yes, with the SPC900 I've always had gamma set to 0, but it really depends on what the range of values means. It could be that the mid-point means "do nothing", or it could be "do the default transformation". I've no idea at the moment.

This is different from the 120MM, yes. This is a colour camera. The MM is mono.


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As far as I am aware, the gamma should be left at 100.

I'm pretty sure that Firecapture uses the same scale system as you get with graphics card controls. In this case 100 corresponds to 1 or no correction, <100 darkens the image while >100 lightens the image.

I've always found Sharpcaps gamma slider a little odd as you should go both ways ... in a manner of speaking.

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As far as I am aware, the gamma should be left at 100.

I'm pretty sure that Firecapture uses the same scale system as you get with graphics card controls. In this case 100 corresponds to 1 or no correction, <100 darkens the image while >100 lightens the image.

I've always found Sharpcaps gamma slider a little odd as you should go both ways ... in a manner of speaking.

That's certainly something to look at then.

My understanding is that SharpCap just gives you the range that the camera (driver) says is available. Often it's totally unclear what real-world effect that range of settings has.


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That's certainly something to look at then.

My understanding is that SharpCap just gives you the range that the camera (driver) says is available. Often it's totally unclear what real-world effect that range of settings has.


I might plug my SPC900 and see what Firecapture gives me in terms of gamma range. I guess there probably wouldn't much call for darkening the image in a webcam.

Certainly I haven't found that leaving gamma on 100 has hurt the images I've been taking with the DMK.

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I might plug my SPC900 and see what Firecapture gives me in terms of gamma range. I guess there probably wouldn't much call for darkening the image in a webcam.

Just tried with mine and was offered gamma values from 0 to 31. Gain was a bit weird though as even after I disabled all the auto stuff I could find I still couldn't change it. Not that I was planning on using the SPC with FireCapture.


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