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eq5 + polarscope - should it look like this?

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My new (first) telescope and mount arrived yesterday - a skywatched 150 PDS (was considering the 200p but got worried about size) and an EQ5 mount. I bought it from apm telescopes in Germany (where I live), who were very good.

Anyway, I managed to set it all up ok, and miraculously, when i stuck my head outside last night at about 8pm, the sky was totally clear and crisp. So I had a good evening, had a look at jupiter, m42 and the pleiades. I need to get some eyepieces though - the 150 PDS only came with a 25 mm eyepiece.

Anyway, onto my question: much to my surprise, the mount came with a polarscope, which I didn't expect, although I knew it was equipped to take one. I am a bit confused by the fitting though, which seems rather poor. If i lock the ring at 0 then there is a gap between the ring and the edge of the clock on the polarscope. There is considerable play in the setting ring when locked like this, such that the bottom can be pulled/fall out until it touches the ring on the polarscope.

if i unlock the setting ring then it falls down until held by the polarscope.


1. is it supposed to be like this (i.e. is it just badly made?)

2. is it defective?

3. have I done something wrong?

the polarscope was pre installed in the mount when it arrived... i've screwed it in and out a couple of times but can't seem to change anything.

here are some photos:

showing play while locked

setting ring thing locked


setting ring thing not locked

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Mines got a bigger gap than that, ive seen people use large rubber washers to fill the gap, but as fletch said, there just cosmetic, i dont use the polar scope now as my c-gt5 doesnt need it, wish i had known about the polar setup before i bought it, so i guess my polarscope is cosmetic now as well.

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