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Well I had a go....Had a few problems with alignement, sorted it, though, for some reason, my GoTo wasn't anything like as accurate as it has been, got no explanation for it, but I perservered for an hour then the clouds rolled if....100% cover!!!! couldn't believe it, so 20 minutes ago I packed up :(

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First light with the frac! I was out till 1am, but transparency wasn't great for me even from the start (about 10.30), and by midnight it was really getting hazy up there. At the start I could see the stars in ursa minor easily but by the end only stars better than magnitude 3.5 or thereabouts were visible. I did manage to add M65 and M66 of the Leo triplet to my observed list... In total I had a look at 2 nebulas, 4 galaxies and 4 open clusters, plus Jupiter - I missed the Io transit though...

Most of my time was spent working out how to use a refractor - it really is a completely different animal from a newt! ;)

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