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Online astronomy observations log

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This is probably old news to the experienced hands but I was thinking about recording what I observe as a way to improve my observational skills and of course as a log of what I've seen. Rather than writing this all down I thought I'd look to see if there was anything available on-line.

I found this:- http://astronomylog.com/ it's free to create an account and use. They do have premium services but the free version does enough for me at this time.

I hope it may be of use to someone.

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Sadly I've tested the site and it has forgotten my password. So I'd say it's still a wip. Never mind it looked a good idea and some of the mini guides on there are actually quite useful.

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It has also got some reasonable proformas for printing and writing obs in. Just a shame the online element doesn't work properly, that is of course unless you don't mind changing your password every time you add an observation, then it's great :rolleyes::grin:

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