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What Extra's do I need?

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OK I am still a complete newbie other than a few star parties and I am getting my new 12 inch Skywatcher 300P Flex Tube Goto SynScan next week. Family present for my 40th...seems a good age to start a new hobby to me :-)

I have a list of extra's which I need to buy which include Skywatcher Power Tank, Shroud, possibly a scope coat as I intend to go to star parties plus a collimator...am i forgetting anything else to get me started?...

My budget is pretty much gone with that lot and I was wondering if the Premium Cheshire Collimating Eyepiece for £36 on FLO was what I needed to cover my collimating needs? Or should I get a more expensive/better make. I actually have no idea how to use one of these or what they really are and was only made aware I needed one a few days ago...

Also, I know you can make a Dew Shield and I am told that I may need one on this scope...I don't really want to make one and would consider buying one but I have yet to find one for this scope...I will get extra EP's after I am more accustomed to the scope so its not really on my priority list at the moment. All advice much appreciated...Cheers

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That is a BIG first scope!

A power source is essential. I would buy a car starter type though and save some money.

On the collimator. Is there a local club? You might get a chance to learn about the different types and decide which is better for you.

You might like to consider a 12V hair dryer if you aren't happy about a dew shield. A quick waft over the offending areas usually is all it takes. Although dew prevention is better than cure, you can dry things off at the end of the night.

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I've jumped in fairly quickly and got a couple of better EPs.

Beyond that I've started a 'wanted' list after my early observing sessions. Things are moving up and down the list.

I like the Telrad which came with my s/h scope.

I didn't get on with the straight through finder initially but I'm getting used to it. I'd like to get a 90 degree corrected one but it's dropped down my priority list.

I'd say get out there a few times and see what problems crop up.

I ended up buying a water butt stand and a sack of pea gravel. Doesn't appear on too many 'must have' lists but made my observing sooo much more comfy. :grin:


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Hi ...

If you're thinking of making/buying a shroud then you probably wont need a dew shield. My Heritage 130p is the baby of the flex tube family and, personally, I found that the shroud I made (out of an old camping mat) didn't make much difference to my views of the sky, but it did cut out light from "ground based" sources. Also - I used an old film canister with a hole drilled in the top to collimate my 'scope and that worked fine too.

Hope this helps.

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