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What camera to buy?


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Hi everyone.

I have recently decided to give astro photography a go and would like some advice on what sort of camera i should be looking to buy?

I have decide on an SLR, but i don't know what specs i should be looking for?

I want to do some planetary photos (Jupiter and Saturn mainly), leading up to some deep space stuff (andromeda etc.).

I was considering the sony slt-a37,

Any advice would be great.

Much appreciated


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A Cannon 1100D will do a good job, there refurbished models on E-bay, were around £200 without the kit lens, 3 month warranty, mines still working and had it a year or so, the other big thing is Software the Canon range has bundles of it written for AP and it does a good job, there are also remotes on Amazon and E-bay cost around £12 save having to have a Laptop to hand. For planets your be wanting a web cam, pick-up a really cheap one to test the water about £4 will do the job, there are threads in the DIY section on how to crush any internal LED's and glue on a 1.25 adapter...:)

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