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Galaxy hunt : Lynx and Ursa Major.


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No Moon, slight wind from the north east and a really dark sky. Better still a rubber backed camping carpet to keep the feet warm. The GOTO decided to play the accuracy game .

Lynx is aptly named as you'll be needing that eyesight to find it.

NGC2683 is a bright elongated shape at x120 which I found next to a group of four stars and below a star to the rhs. This was the brightest and worth seeking out.

NGC2782 and NGC2537 ( Bear's claw) seen faintly by averted vision as was NGC2541 at x48 below an arrow of stars.

NGC2500 was small and faint, although appearing in Lynx in Psa is apparently in Cancer ?

NGC2549 at x120 was compact and faint beneath a group of four stars.

I had a look at C25 , the Wanderer and found this remote and small globular in a line with two stars.

IC2149 in Auriga at x120 is a lovely blue planetary with a small disc. then to Gemini and the buzzing bi lobed NGC2371-2. Followed by NGC2841 a bright galaxy to the front feet of big Ursa.. Check on Bode's which were both bright.

In Ursa Major,

NGC2685 found faint by averted vision. Must revisit with the Dob ,as this is a polar ring type galaxy.

NGC2950 found at the end of a chain at x57.

NGC2768 was to the Lhs of an arc and at x120 showed a core.

NGC2742 was to the Lhs of a brighter field star at x57.

Then on to Orion in the south and NGC2022 a cracking planetary at x120.plenty of detail in NGC2392, the Eskimo at x120, with a dark core and halo.

Then went and sat on a deck chair behind a six foot fence and a shed, so that I could just look up at the constellations. it was lovely seeing so many stars in Gemini and Orion. Later in the East , Leo and the Big bear just dominated the sky.

I used a 21mm, 10mm Hyperion and a 15mm Sw Panorama on a 200 f6 Orion Optics on an Heq5 pro.

Would love to do pics, but there's so very much to see, clearest skies,


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Lynx is aptly named as you'll be needing that eyesight to find it.

NGC2683 is a bright elongated shape at x120 which I found next to a group of four stars and below a star to the rhs. This was the brightest and worth seeking out.

NGC2782 and NGC2537 ( Bear's claw) seen faintly by averted vision as was NGC2541 at x48 below an arrow of stars.

NGC2500 was small and faint, although appearing in Lynx in Psa is apparently in Cancer ?

NGC2549 at x120 was compact and faint beneath a group of four stars.

...Followed by NGC2841 a bright galaxy to the front feet of big Ursa.. Check on Bode's which were both bright...

In Ursa Major,

NGC2685 found faint by averted vision. Must revisit with the Dob ,as this is a polar ring type galaxy.

NGC2950 found at the end of a chain at x57.

NGC2768 was to the Lhs of an arc and at x120 showed a core.

NGC2742 was to the Lhs of a brighter field star at x57.



In Lynx, I've only seen 2683 (the brightest galaxy there), but 2782, 2500, and 2549 should be just within the reach of my small 100mm F/4 Newtonian in orange-zone or darker skies. Especially 2549. So I'll need to seek them out in my next observing sessions.

I've seen 2841, 2685, 2950, and 2768 with my small scope. NGC 2742 is also doable and currently on my "to-see" list.


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