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Baader UHC-S filter


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Hi, I've a bit of cash left over from xmas (amazingly) & thinking of getting the above filter, the question I have, would I really get any benifit from it in my scope (See below, F/7 900mmFL) ive seen that I could get a Skywatcher version for around 35 quid & i'm wondering why the Baader is 51, would I see any marked difference in say, M42 etc or would I be wasting my money?? Thanks.


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The Baader UHC-S works well with small aperture scopes for the reasons that Spec-Chum gives above. I have a soft spot for it as it was the first filter to show me the Veil Nebula with the 80mm and 100mm refractors I owned back then.

Your scope is a larger aperture than those so I reckon you might as well go for the Skywatcher UHC which will enhance the contrast of nebulae a bit more as well as saving some £'s.

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Incidentally, I've got the 2" version of the Skywatcher one and I rate it higher than my old 1.25" Castell one.

The Castell split the stars into pretty purple and blue doubles near the edges, the Skywatcher is uniform all round.

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Incidentally, I've got the 2" version of the Skywatcher one and I rate it higher than my old 1.25" Castell one.

The Castell split the stars into pretty purple and blue doubles near the edges, the Skywatcher is uniform all round.

I saw an earlier post from u about the Castell one and was wondering about it, theres so many brands haha, i'll go with the Skywatcher as i'v seen no bad reviews of it.
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The skywatch is poorly packaged, I think. I had one and it was unbranded and came with a tatty paper graph that was only linked with the product by sellotape on to the case (no reference numbesr for example). The Skywatcher passband is narrow (see the barely readable image here: http://www.opticalvision.co.uk/images/products/large/633b.jpg). The Baader UHC-S is much more professionally presented, but has a larger passband (see for example: http://www.alpineastro.com/filters/uhc_filter_curve.htm).

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The skywatch is poorly packaged, I think. I had one and it was unbranded and came with a tatty paper graph that was only linked with the product by sellotape on to the case (no reference numbesr for example). The Skywatcher passband is narrow (see the barely readable image here: http://www.opticalvi.../large/633b.jpg). The Baader UHC-S is much more professionally presented, but has a larger passband (see for example: http://www.alpineast...ilter_curve.htm).

I have found Baader and Meade do package and present filters and lenses very nicely compared with some who treat the packaging as an afterthought. If a filter or lens was unbranded and unmarked I would worry about where it had come from and who had manufactured it. Makes me sound a bit paranoid :-(

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I have found Baader and Meade do package and present filters and lenses very nicely compared with some who treat the packaging as an afterthought. If a filter or lens was unbranded and unmarked I would worry about where it had come from and who had manufactured it. Makes me sound a bit paranoid :-(

And now im paranoid haha, well I ordered the filter from FLO yesterday so I'll just have to wait and see. :eek:
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post-26695-0-95557700-1357384578_thumb.p Well, the filter arrived this morning & here it is, yes it's unbranded so time will tell if its any good, the lense itself is nice & weighty & clear of any marks. More to the point my girlfriend thinks it looks pretty so thats the main thing really. :grin: I'll let u know how it performs if the the cloud ever lifts......so never then. :mad:
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Well, I finally managed to get out last night & tyr out my UHC filter (Here in the lakes we had fantastic seeing for a couple of hours after WEEKS of cloud) M42 was my target as it was the main reason for buying the filter & WOW, I wasnt disappointed. Normally when I see M42 using my 130mm scope with 25mmEP I can make out what looks to me as a slightly greenish 'blob', with my 9mmEP it starts to look like a clamshell in appearence but still only slighty geenish & the 4main stars in the Trapezium sort of merge into one (probably due to poor seeing). Last night I put the filter in the 25 & the gas cloud was much more distinct & a deeper green BUT when I put in the Meade 9mm thats when everything really came out, The green was MUCH more vivid with what looked like a jet black 'finger' pushing into the neblula & I finally saw the the four main Trap' stars as single points of light, they were like beautiful brilliant blue diamonds & sent a shiver down my spine (my girlfriend had a look & finally realises why I do all this :grin: ) its been worth waiting all these weeks for a clear night just for that one moment & the best £40 i've spent in a long while.

After that I thought I'd do a bit of imaging with jupiter as it was so clear, I got all the gear out, polar aligned, laptop & webcam plugged in, all ready to go & within 30 seconds (I'm not kidding here) the thickest bank of fog I've seen in a long while swept in & that was that (my punishment for been allowed M42 :rolleyes: ) I could have throw the lot into next doors garden but then remembered what I'd seen & calmed down a bit :laugh: .This hobby is exteremly frustrating but when it works it makes it all VERY worth while.


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