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Been told its a zennox bit that's all she knows, I'm not there atm so can't go and see!

Zennox from what I can tell are from the same family as the Seben telescopes - they aren't going to win any awards, but can be a very cheap (or in this case free!) introduction.

If the hobby bites, there's a whole lot of better scopes out there to consider :)

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It's a Zennox 60mm refractor with a focal length of 900mm so a focal ratio of F/15.

The moon will look nice and Jupiter will show it's 4 brightest moons and a couple of cloud belts. You will be able see that Saturn has rings and that some stars are doubles.

Many folks got started in the hobby with scopes like this so the price tag of £0 makes it a bit of a bargain !

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