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First photo


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I hope I have done it right...the photo is my first one of my first telescope a month or so ago. I have a stargazer telescope and just held my digital camara over the eyepiece and snapped it. It has turned out miles better than I thought it would. At the same time I took a picture of Jupiter and three of its moons. Although you can see them it is blurry. I want to try to get some sort of holder to fasten to the telescope and fasten the camara onto it so my pictures will be easier to take. The camara is a Panasonic Lumix DMC FS3, just a bog standard digital camara but it shows what you can do even when not set up in a good way.

Bye for now.


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I got the name of the telescope wrong, it is a Sky watcher. Shows how new I am. Could anyone point me in the best direction for camara adapters please. If they not to expencive I might just get one with my christmas money. Bye for now.

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I got the name of the telescope wrong, it is a Sky watcher. Shows how new I am. Could anyone point me in the best direction for camara adapters please. If they not to expencive I might just get one with my christmas money. Bye for now.

Ihave a skywatcher too a good cheap why to take pics is with a xbox cam (less than 5quid on ebay) you will need to modify it (there is a post for this on this site) just waiting for a clear night to test it.

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nice image for a first attempt! :D as others have said you can get holders for your camera so you can get a sharper image... In the future as budget will allow and if you get addicted like i did :p get a DSLR second hand min 8MP for £170-200 and a t ring for you camera and a t ring to 1.25 adapter all for about £200 total but its a nice starter kit to get sharper images as well as future proofing if you were to move onto fainter objects! In the meantime though have fun and the holder would be a great start. Good luck & clear skies!

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They both look good Brown dwarf. I like the look of the baader one. I could move the camara out of the way when looking through the eypiece. I have put the addresses in my favourites for the time being and hope with my christmass money (if her indoors has not spent it) I might just get one. Thanks

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You must have a very steady hand Raccoon. That's a great job for a hand-held image. :)

Scopes n Skies sell this camera support:-


It does a good job with my new Point and Shoot Samsung. Stinky weather has prevented me from doing anything but a basic not worth posting test so far on M45. Need lots of subs for a good job though.

Although here's my effort on the moon hand-held with my LG Cookie 500 phone (3MP)



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