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Quality of Filters?


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My daughter has managed to get her hands on a Meade DSI Pro II Mono, her scope is a Skywatcher Explorer 150P.

It's seems, like all astro eyepieces / filters that there is a huge price (and presumably therefore quality) band to choose from.

Is it right that there will be an optimum quality of filter that her scope can cope with - ie no point buying filters that out perform her scope?

My question is - what quality / cost of colour filters (Red Green and Blue) does she need for her set up ?

Some advice and suggestions would be very much appreciated.


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As camera chip sizes grow people sell on the smaller filters to buy bigger ones for their new chips. This makes for a decent used market in good 1.25 inch filters of the kind your daughter needs. You could try a wanted ad here and on UK Astrobuysell.

I haven't used budget LRGB filters for a few years now but, if buying new, maybe these would be OK. http://modernastronomy.com/filtersOther.htm

Ian King used to do a budget set but I just checked his website and can no longer see them.


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