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Could this be Neptune?


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I did a goto on Neptune on Saturday evening, after doing a one star align, as this always put the target somewhere in the fov of my 25mm eyepiece. Visually, I could only make out 2 points of light in the fov, both very faint. One was red and this is the other. Could it be Neptune or was my goto off and I've just caught a nearby blue star?


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The colour of the other one matches TYC 6360-281-1. Can you estimate how far apart it was from "Neptune"? If it was about 10-11 arcminutes, you have a match.

If I'm working this out correctly, 10-11 arcminutes is about a 1/3 the size of the full moon? I'm pretty sure they where a lot further apart than that. I'll have to check next chance I get, but in the meantime, I have to admit it's not looking good for Neptune. :D

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If you used the Toucam (with its 4.5mm-diagonal size chip) prime focus on the 130SLT (fl 650mm), the planet and the star should be about 1/4 of the diagonal away from each other (it turns out that there was only 9 arcminutes between them on Saturday night).

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