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Jupiter....flogging a ded horse?


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Yesterday i managed to get Jupiter with my 60mm refracter. I know i'm never going to get images as good as some on here, but all i want to do for now is try and get some colour on these images.

I just don't know how :huh:

I filmed in cololur, but i'm guessing my aperture is holding it back and the webcam was not set up very well colour wise.

The only thing i know how to do is drag RGB sliders about and i'm having no luck :huh:

Am i wasting my time? Should i just be happy with them in near monochrome?



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Thanks, I'll try turn it up next time. I think I must have turned various colour settings down so it didn't come back the wrong colour...which in turn lead it to come out with no colour

Is there anything I could use in gimp to try and pull out some colour without it looking g like a mess? :wacko:

Sent from a Galaxy S 2 far away.

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Hi Monki, one of the early problems when folks start imaging is establishing the correct camera controls. This can be a vexing time especially if you're outside in the perishing cold. If you can, set up your system i.e. 'scope, camera and laptop in the daytime and test it all out on a colourful object as far away as is possible (through a window at a distant car or whatever). Although daylight is going to be far stronger that Jupiter's, it'll give you a chance to play with the gain, brightness and saturation controls. The capture software must obviously be set to colour as opposed to a monochrome codec (like Y800). Let us know how you get on.


PS: I dunno, The Grateful Ded sounds like a good name for a band.....

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Thanks for the suggestions!

I will have a go at setting it up in daylight and take note of the settings for correct colour :D

I use sharpcap for imaging. My webcam is a life cam...no independant gain control but its integrated with the brightness settings.

While I'm here...what is more beneficial to planet imaging...exposure or gain? I noticed with more gain/brightness I got a dirtier image initially, but it came out with more detail with regiatax, whereas a longer exposure gave a smoother rounded gentle image but gave much less detail after stacking. Have I just answered my own question? :unsure:

Sent from a Galaxy S 2 far away.

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