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Planetary Photography with bracketing (AEB)

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I saw Saturn for the first time today through my SkyWatcher 150p dobson, it was epic! I was wondering, I'm planning to buy a Canon EOS D1100 and a T2 ring for it to attach it to my scope.

I don't have a guided mount, is it possible to take pictures of, lets say Jupiter (with slight detailing, not extreme) + it's moons or Saturn with bracketing active? It would be very short exposure shots to avoid trailing.

Also, must be a very noobish question but how do you get magnification when using this setup (T2)? I think I'm missing something :D

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Imaging Planets with DSLR isnt ideal and as you say the field of view will be very wide, plus the fact your using a dob will make it even more tricky!!

you'd be better off getting a cheap webcam from ebay, you could also try eyepiece projection!

Ive never tried this but it might help:


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Thanks for the reply, tried it last weekend and results were okay for a first time, but because of the wide FoV it's a bit smallish :D

Going to try Eyepiece projection, I've searched on the internet and found something useful (http://www.astronomysource.com/2011/10/13/eyepiece-projection/).

Have to check it out when I'm home which pieces I still need etc.. :)

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It were only single shots, no goto on my dob.

My DSLR is only about half a kilo so connecting it was not a problem at all :)

pictures attached are my first attempts, as you can see they're small and low res as expectedpost-26059-0-49808700-1355774173_thumb.jpost-26059-0-93674600-1355774173_thumb.j

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