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A Quick Session in my LP Back Yard


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Just a very quick scan in the back yard.


  • Monk Observer 25x100 Binoculars
  • Horizon 8115 Tripod
  • Stellarium
  • Me

So I setup the tripod and the bins out in the back yard as the sky was clear and the neighbours security light was off for once. I really should have the scope out and be out there still but have had friends over since 4pm and am feeling quite tired and my back is playing up today.

So before I went out I had a look on stellarium rather than just aimlessly scanning. I decided I would look at Auriga and obviously the regulars, Taurus, Orion and andromeda. I started with Taurus and the first object was Jupiter which allowed me to sort the focus on the eyepieces which is done for each eye indvidually on the 25x100's, I'm still trying to get used to that. So I focused up on jupiter and saw the disc, very bright and hard to resolve any band detail as I don't know if it's just me but it seemed a little turbulent. I could clearly see 4 moons to the left of the discs as small pin pricks of light. The disc itself showed slight yellowish tinging around the edges. I have seen this to a greater extent when looking at the moon with these bins, although it does not detract from the detail that you can see in them-fantastic bins.

Next I looked at the Hyades which fitted nicely in the FOV, and could see nice colour on sme of the stars. Then I swung them up to M45 and looked at this for a couple of minutes. I must say that M45 is a perfect target for these bins. It fits perfectly in the FOV right up to the edge as though this target was made for viewing in the bins. Very bright blue stars, beautiful.

Then I swung up and had a cursory look at M31, not for long as my back was aching already and this was very high up. I reset the bins to look at Auriga. Well I started just below and found M35 easily, followed by M37, M36 and M38. Each one were very pleasing views. M35 and M37 were a little dimmer than M36 and M38 but there is a lot of LP at my place and they were the lower of the objects. M38 surprised me a little as I wasn't expecteing it but could see some indivdual stars.

As a final object (and back breaker!) I swung the bins directly at zenith between Cassiopeia and Perseus and took a look at the Double Cluster.Wow, it looked fabulous I managed only a couple of minutes looking at this but thought if it looks this good in my LP back yard in the city then at a true dark sky site these binoculars are gonna blow me away.

That concluded my session as my back was aching a little. I managed all of this in the tiny time of 40 minutes. As I said just a quick session but an enjoyable one. I really enjoy these Bins and as Phil said in his advert when selling them they are good as a grab n go when you don't want to set the scope up, I wholeheartedly agree :)

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they sound pretty good!

They are a lovely set of bins. Monk don't make this model anymore. I got them from a friend in my astro in who got them at an antiques auction. They have been unbelievably well taken care of and as a result look brand new. Some slight chromatic aberration on the brighter objects but otherwise a really great set of bins :)

Skywatcher Skyliner 200p Dobsonian

Celestron Skymaster 15x70 Binoculars

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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