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Next Scope?

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Hi everybody,

I have a Celestron 130EQ, which is serving me pretty well and over the past year I have learned a lot. One thing I have learned is that seemingly no one scope is good at everything - at least not in my budget band! (£200 -£250 at a big pinch including a star diagonal if needed) I'll expand on my thinking.

I am really enjoying more and more looking at the moon in as much detail as I can. I also like star clusters particularly open ones like the double cluster. The two interests do not dove tail especially well. I've thought of getting a 102 Mak which I think would sit well on my modified more stable CG3/Skywatcher mount/tripod. The much longer focal length/FRatio would go well with my 25/15/9 mm plossls and would be great for moon watching, but this by defintion would give a very narrow field of view. (yes I know I want it all)

Probably the most sense would be to upgrade to a 6"Dob - it really does make sense - given that I live a 1000 feet up in the pennines away from the worst, but not all of the light pollution that plagues us. However, I really like the slowmo control that the tracking on my EQ mount gives, especially when tracking the moon, which at higher mags is so useful. I really cannot afford a 150 Reflector on the kind of mount it deserves ie EQ5. (I have discovered that a good stable non-marginal mount is a must)

I have really chewed over a refractor - 4" achro would do (maybe even the 3.5) but not sure I can live with something a yard long. A 100 mm Apo would be great but too many pennys -even secondhand.

One idea that keeps coming round is a TAL1. This would in some ways be a backward step - but I have this gut feeling this is the way to go. 805/F7.3 seems like a nice balance; good optics, good stable mount - that I could probably also mount the 130 Ota on. I find it kind of appealing but is 4.3" enough?

I'm not expecting anyone to make my mind up for me - but a bit of experience in this kind of area would be great. Any thoughts on the TAL1? Suggestions?

Lie in a dark room - take a tablet for the headache - Mak/Apo/Dob/Reflector ??? - my brain hurts.

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I have the 130P and the 102 MAK which I use on a Synscan AZ mount.

The 102 gives great views of the moon Jupiter and Saturn and is also good for doubles - no diffraction spikes.

In your budget range And given your interests I'd say the little MAK would be ideal and would sit well on your current mount.

Hope this helps


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