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Interesting difference between capture programmes


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I have had a few documented issues with my new 460EX - Issues with the data when compared to 314L+ data, lined artefacts in processing. After a few exchanged PM's about what I was doing differently if anything, it seemed that the differnce was that I was using Artemis for capture with the 314L+ and since using the 460EX I'd decided to give Maxim a go again.

So 2 nights ago, I reverted to Artemis for data capture - Hey presto!! I got an image.

Last night I redid my bias frames, in Artemis and I noticed a marked difference between what I was capturing in Maxim and Artemis.

When I first uploaded the 460EX drivers, I specified to upload the Maxim ones that come with the disk. I have no reason to doubt that upload took place. So now I am left with Artemis only (I don't really mind!!) as I am not going to let Maxim go anywhere near my image capture.

Perhaps this has happened to someone else, or maybe all 460EX users are sticking with Artemis and so have not encountered this problem. Either way I thought it was worth pointing out, as well as I think going some way to confirming that I wasn't made afterall.

Here's the resulting bias frames, both given a preset Maxim 'medium' stretch. A single sub from each programme, I think you can see why I ended up with line like artifacts smeared all over my Maxim image. You can see them developing in 1 sub. Imagine what 50 or so stacked ones must have looked like!


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