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Star hoping with bins


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After a lot of renovation work I have finally this weekend moved in to my new (attic) room, with views to three sides including an excellent eastern and southern horizon. What's even better, all of the windows to take advantage of said views.

I've just been on a hunting trip with my 8x42 bins through said windows and was not disappointed!

Armed with Stellarium I have managed to tick off Ceres, Vesta, Uranus and Neptune!! Having not had my bins out for a while, i'd forgotten just how enjoyable they can be! I tried my hardest to spot Pallas but I think I will need bigger binoculars from Santa before I can manage that!

The best "session" I've had for weeks and all from the comfort of double glazing :)

Time for a celebratory drink I think.



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You saw Uranus and Neptune through 8x42 bins? I must know your secret!

You've made me doubt myself now, but I've just gone back to Stellarium to check positions and I'm sure I was looking at the right things. I even wen't back to the window to check but the white fluffies have rolled in now. I am certain I was looking at Uranus (Tee Hee), but Neptune was certainly a strain. I'll try again tomorrow weather permitting! I live about halfway between Hull and the North Sea so it's reasonably dark skies, certainly LP coming from Hull, but looking out to the East and South is a lot better. I'd estimate that with Bins I can make out around mag7 objects.

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I used to own a scope around 5 years ago (along the lines of the Celestron 102 SLT), it ended up collecting dust and being sold a year after.

I've just recently rekindled my interest in the night sky (it never really went away :)), and bought a pair of Helios Quantum-4 15x70, and it really is a fantastic piece of equipment, it really is amazing what you can pick up in a pair of bins.

I've told myself, I need to spot at least 55 objects from the Messier's list, and 25 from the lunar list, and in return I'll reward myself with a CPC 925 :)

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Nice one Stevp!

Uranus and Vesta are both around mag 6 at the moment (according to SkySafari :D), Ceres about 7 and Neptune the toughest of all at about 8...although the blue colour would probably give it away if you got it in the FOV :cool:

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