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Theta 2


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I had my first good look at M42 last night (till cloud moved in). Trapezium was nicely defined and noticed the three stars in a line going south. I looked up in TLAO and says the first two are Theta2 and described as a double. What is the third one and is Theta2 really a double, they seem quite far apart?

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This gives what you were observing. http://www.perezmedia.net/beltofvenus/archives/000348.html

The double is certainly very wide, the third star is just in the same field.

If you'd like a tighter more interesting group, then try :

Sigma Orionis below Alnitak.

Lambda and Mesartim in Aries.

Almach in Andromeda.

Eta and Iota in Cassiopeia and

Beta in Monoceros, considered to be the finest triple,



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This gives what you were observing. http://www.perezmedi...ves/000348.html

The double is certainly very wide, the third star is just in the same field.

If you'd like a tighter more interesting group, then try :

Sigma Orionis below Alnitak.

Lambda and Mesartim in Aries.

Almach in Andromeda.

Eta and Iota in Cassiopeia and

Beta in Monoceros, considered to be the finest triple,



Cheers Nick. I'd just assumed that doubles, by definition, had to be really close and a job to split. (I've seen Albireo and Alcor and Mizar). Thanks for ideas for others, next clear night I'll give them a try.


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